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St Bede C of E Primary Academy


 Mr A Whitehead - Chair of Governors

4 Year Term of Office from 01.09.22
Body Appointed P.C.C Member Appointed

As an active member of the local Morris Green community, I feel extremely proud to be the Chair of Governors at St. Bede C of E  Primary Academy.  Both of my children previously attended the academy and I have built on and forged links with the Church and school.  I am a licenced Lay Minister at St. Bede Parish Church and, as well as lead and teach at Church, I also lead Collective Worship at St. Bede Academy.  I work closely with the senior leadership team, meeting with them weekly to ensure the Local Governing Body (LGB) are effective in their oversight of the strategic direction of the school, which includes Quality of Education, Christian Distinctiveness  Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development and Early Years.  As an LGB, we are developing skills through online tutorials and ‘on the job’ experiences (i.e. reviews) to provide effective governance.

Mr D Almond - Vice-Chair of Governors

4 Year Term of Office from 01.09.22
Body Appointed P.C.C Member Appointed

My name is David Almond and I am currently the Vice Chair of Governors at the School.

I was nominated to serve on the Local Governing Body of St Bede’s Academy (LGB) by St Bede’s Church where I am part of the PCC (Parochial Church Council).

My wife was also a pupil at the School quite a few years ago now.

I can see and feel that the School is a great learning environment and I want to help maintain this ethos and help the pupils to thrive.

As one of the largest Primary Schools in Bolton we can also strive to be one of the best as well.

Mrs A Black - Headteacher

Term of office Ex Officio

As both a long serving staff member of St. Bede C of E Primary Academy and a parent of two pupils who currently attend, I am incredibly proud to be part of the Local Governing Body in my role as Headteacher. 

In my 20 years in education, I have been a class teacher, curriculum leader, Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.  All of these roles, including my current role as Headteacher, have been to ensure all our children make excellent progress, regardless of their starting points. We pride ourselves on our safe, caring and engaging learning environment with high standards and expectations. 

Everyone at St. Bede is passionate about our vision ‘Learning, Caring, Growing Together’.  The vision, our core values and the Parable of the Good Samaritan underpin all of our learning experiences.  Our links to St. Bede Church and local Pastors further supports our strong Christian ethos.  We are committed to ensure that all our children leave St. Bede having developed the lifelong skills of positivity, resilience and independence.  We foster a love of learning and a determination to succeed.


Mrs S Bagshaw - Chief Executive Officer

Term of office Ex Officio

I have worked within the Education sector nationally, and within St. Bede at a strategic level for over 15 years., upholding the Christian ethos of the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and ensuring Christianity underpins the MAT Mission.  I manage the overall operations of the organisation, including development of the Trust, educational excellence, marketing, communications, and financial sustainability.  I develop and approve strategies to meet Members, parents, children, educational agencies and employee needs, and communicate with people inside and outside the organisation to discover what policies, operational and marketing strategies will help the Trust move forward.  I created project teams to lead the development of the MAT, from St. Bede Academy conversion through to the first sponsorship from initial due diligence, to completion of a second Academy.  I network nationally to benefit the Trust and educational sector as a whole., including advising the House of Commons Select Committee for childcare affordability; being part of the National Association of Headteachers School Business Leaders Committee to challenge the Government on their National Funding Formula, and attending select round table talks with Education Ministers.  I advise nationally and locally others looking at converting to Academies, including questions to ask, due diligence process and implications.  Underpinned by a background as a Chartered Accountant, with over 13 years’ experience driving successful business operations in a variety of sectors, including a £350m turnover FMCG business, dealing with growth and change management at a strategic and operational level.

Mrs S Rostron - Chief Operating Officer

Term of office Ex Officio

I joined St Bede Academy in 2009 as an Assistant Headteacher and have since been promoted to Head of School in 2018. I love working as part of the St Bede family and have been lucky enough to work alongside inspirational leaders, teachers and a vibrant school community.  As a recognised Specialist Leader in Education, I have been deployed to support other school leaders to develop whole school initiatives . In 2021 I was awarded TES Headteacher of the year, the award was reflective of the hard work and dedication shown by all the staff during the pandemic. I work closely with the Bolton NAHT (National Association for Headteachers) to develop a collaborative approach to education matters at a national level. Currently, I work as  C.O.O (Chief Operational Officer) two days a week at our sister school ‘Tonge Moor’, as part of this role I develop opportunities for collaboration and growth for the St Bede Multi Academy Trust. 

Whitworth v2

Rev V Whitworth - Foundation Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 24.02.24
Body Appointed Foundation

I am currently the Vicar of St. Bede Church, and have been part of the St. Bede family since 2019; I love being part of St. Bede Academy.  I am also a Member of The Quill C of E Trust, as well as serving on the Local Governing Body.

I have many years’ experience of governance in education, having served as a Governor, Trustee and Member of other schools and MATs within the Bolton area.  I have a particular role and interest in developing the school vision and the distinctive Christian Ethos of St. Bede Academy, and I regularly lead collective worship within the school and support the amazing pupil Ethos group. 

I am immensely proud of the relationship that St. Bede Church has with St. Bede Academy and I am committed to developing this further in the years to come.

Mrs C Woods - Staff Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.01.22
Body Appointed Staff Governor

Hi, I’m Claire Woods; I’m the Office Manager at St. Bede C of E Primary Academy, Clerk to the Directors of The Quill C of E Trust and Staff Governor on the LGB.  I have worked at St. Bede now for over 11 years, having previously worked in Internal Communications for a large corporate company.  Each day I just love coming to work; our amazing children are the very heart of this school, as they should be, and I am passionate and proud to be part of a team helping our children to Learn, Care and Grow Together. 

Miss L Jennings - Foundation Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.04.21
Body Appointed Foundation

St. Bede C of E Primary Academy will always have a special place in my heart as this was where I started my career in education as a Year 3 teacher in 2014.  Whilst at St. Bede, I taught across Key Stage 2 for seven years which allowed me to develop a secure knowledge of the curriculum and end of Key Stage expectations.  I also held a number of curriculum leadership responsibilities whilst there, including Science and RE. 

The support and guidance of the dedicated staff at St. Bede led me to my current role as an Assistant Headteacher at St. Bede’s partner school, Tonge Moor Primary Academy.  Here, I lead a passionate, hard-working team who are dedicated to making a positive impact on children’s learning, increasing their desire to learn and enabling them to become independent life-long learners.

I am very excited and proud to be a member of the St. Bede Governing Body whilst ensuring both schools work collaboratively to provide the very best for all children within The Quill C of E Trust.


Mrs G Whitehead - Foundation Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.09.22
Body Appointed Foundation

Both my children went to St. Bede and I have had an interest in the school since my eldest child joined in 2010.

I have worked in education myself for the last 25 years and currently work as a Year 5 teacher at a local primary academy.  I have enjoyed many roles within primary education over the years.

It is a pleasure to be involved in the governance of the Academy and I bring a wealth of experience as an educator, and a parent, to support the school, staff and pupils to achieve what St. Bede are striving for as a school.

Mrs J Brooks - Foundation Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.02.21
Body Appointed Foundation

I have two children at St. Bede, so have a keen personal interest in the school and how it operates.

I’ve been in education for 14 years and am currently working as a Teaching and Learning Manager for the Maths department in a Wigan Borough High School.  I have extensive experience of leading curriculums and mentoring other teachers to reach their best.  

I believe all my experience as a teaching manager, and as a parent of two, will help me support the school and the rest of the governing body to reach their full potential.

Mrs J Phillips - Foundation Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.02.21
Body Appointed Foundation

I have just retired and for the last 20 years I worked as a medical receptionist/secretary at a GP’s practice.  I attend St. Bede’s Church and have been a Church Warden there for the last seven years.

My children attended a local primary school where I was a Governor for many years, and also had the privilege of been Chair of Governors for several years.

I shall do my very best for all the children who attend St. Bede Academy and hope that I can bring some of my previous experience to the Governing body, and that we continue to make sure ‘Every Child Matters’ is at the heart of all we do.

Mrs S Atcha - Parent Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.04.21
Body Appointed Parent Governor

As a past pupil and parent to two daughters attending St. Bede Academy, I feel extremely proud to be a Parent Governor.

I have 20 years of experience in education and first-hand experience of working in every Key phase from Early Years to Key Stage 2.  I have been working as a primary school teacher since 2001 and have worked in many primary schools in the North West, along with teaching in a primary school in both Madrid and Dubai.  During my teaching career, I have held a variety of curriculum leadership responsibility roles, including History, Geography and MFL.  I have a wealth of experience which I feel is beneficial to both the school and the children.  I also have first-hand experience of being part of the St. Bede Academy team, as both a teacher and as a PTA member.

I am passionate about ensuring that the provision and education of each child is the best it can be, regardless of ability, additional needs, race, gender or religion.  Every Child Matters! 

Working as part of a team to improve the life chances of all children has been an integral part of my career.  I have always lived locally and believe in the importance of maintaining links between the school and the local community.

Being a Parent Governor at St. Bede Academy gives me the chance to ‘give back’ to the community, progress my skills set and ultimately benefit the strength of the school’s Governance.

Mrs N Isherwood - Parent Governor

4 Year Term of Office from 01.04.21
Body Appointed Parent Governor

I am passionate about our children’s safety, care and education.

I have been a part of the St. Bede family for 14 years.  I have worked at Baby Bede Nursery and volunteered within St. Bede Academy whilst completing my Level 3 TA qualification.  I am currently very proud to be manager of Morris Green and Tonge Moor ‘Out of School Clubs.

I feel because of my role within club, I already have a fantastic connection with the school, parents and pupils, and my daughter absolutely loves attending St. Bede Academy. 

I will bring an honest opinion and fresh ideas to support the Governing body to continue their amazing work here at St. Bede Academy. 


For any governor related queries please email information@stbedeacademy.org