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St Bede C of E Primary Academy


 Welcome to English at St Bede C of E Academy

st bede english curriculum 2022.pdf

Bug Club

At St Bede we use a reading scheme called ‘Bug Club’. Bug Club is a finely levelled reading scheme, which ensures that all children read books at exactly the right level for them. There are also online versions for every printed book with interactive activities. Each child has a personalised homepage where they’ll find the e-books and interactive activities that have been allocated by their class teacher. Within each reading level, there is a carefully planned progression of books, this gives children opportunity to develop their reading skills whilst moving through the phonics and reading programme.

Please ensure your child reads at home at least 3 times a week. This could be using the physical book or by logging on to ‘Bug Club’ and using the online version. Please also ensure that your child’s Reading Race booklet is completed each time they read.

Supporting your child when reading at home:

When sharing a book with your child, try to take time to talk about the book before, during and after reading:

Before reading: look at the book cover and talk about your child’s expectations. Is the book likely to be fiction or non-fiction? Have you read other books about these characters or by this author? What does your child think the book is going to be about?

During reading: support your child when reading unknown words – you can sound them out, split them into syllables or identify prefixes and suffixes. Remind your child to listen to the words while reading them, to make sure they make sense. Have a ‘meaning check’ every now and again to ensure that your child understands the text.

After reading: talk about the book. What was it about? Ask questions beginning with the words ‘how’ and ‘why’ to check that your child has been able to read between the lines. Ask whether anything seemed puzzling. Then ask your child to say what they liked and/or disliked about the text and explain why.


How to login to Bug Club

Each child has a unique homepage that can be accessed by following the following steps:

Go to activelearnprimary.co.uk

Then you should see this screen –

Troubleshooting Bug Club:

parent information book bands.pdf

parent troubleshooting guide.pdf